The South Somerset Community Badminton Network will be running a social media campaign to help promote the badminton clubs in the South Somerset area. (We are also including Sherborne – even though it is in Dorset!).
Please help us either by passing on the information to people who might be interested, liking an sharing the Facebook page and talking to people about badminton in this area.
Our first social club poster is here —>
Junior Tournament |
This has been running for a few weeks now and being enjoyed by all those taking part. It is not too late to get involved.
Contact SSCBN via email or Facebook if you want to join in.
The Friendly Series started last week. The fixtures are all being played at Gryphon on Tuesday evenings from 8 pm till 10 pm. There are levels team matches and mixed pair matches.
Please help us by liking and sharing our Facebook page. We do not post lots but would like to increase our reach.
To contact us with any ideas for badminton activities or queries please email
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