This tournament is open to any junior, of any standard. 


Sunday 12th November 2023

Start time: 10am

Finish time: 2pm

Address: Westlands, Westbourne Grove, Yeovil, BA20 2DD.

Cost: £7 per entry

(this entry fee remains the same for entries into singles, doubles, or both)

Please complete an entry form below for EACH PLAYER to confirm your place. 

You will then receive an email within a day or so to confirm your place and entry fee. 

This entry fee will need to be paid, by BACS, before the event. This allows us to reduce admin at the event and get on with playing badminton! BACS details will be sent in your order confirmation email. 

Junior Tournament Entry Form
This is a registration form for a JUNIOR tournament for all players under 19yrs old. Please complete one form PER CHILD as the emergency contacts/consents may be different for each.
This will be used as an emergency contact if nothing is in the comments box below.
This will be used as an emergency contact if nothing is in the comments box below.
This will be used as an emergency contact if nothing is in the comments box below.
Player's date of birth
Please give emergency contact details for the player on the day of the tournament if they are different to those of the parent/guardian completing this form.
This must include a mobile number
You can enter either singles, doubles or both, and the price remains the same.
If your child is entering doubles, please state the partner's name.
The partner will also need to enter the tournament.
Please add anything you think we might also need to know!